Media Expert


Media Expert is a dynamically developing consumer electronics chain, with over 430 stores, as well as the owner of popular online stores with home electronics, household appliances, computer, photographic and other equipment.

Media Expert has been using Forcom software since 2012 to manage the network of its traditional stores. The software in use includes front and back office software for stores, software operating on portable data terminals, central systems, the solution for handling card payments and other electronic transactions.

Bartłomiej Ślęczka – Media Expert IT Director:

In our business, it is very crucial to combine the operation of traditional stores and the sales in online stores. Regardless of the ordering method, be it the order placed online, the traditional one, or the one placed by phone, the products can be delivered to the customer's home or be picked up by them in any of our stores, also with the use of the Pick it up in an hour option. In a traditional store, the customer can order a product that is not currently available in the store but is available in another warehouse or store, or will be ordered from the manufacturer or distributor. To meet the customer's expectations, the smooth and fast interoperability of software managing traditional stores and other IT systems operating in our company is crucial, just as is the possibility of continuous development of the software used in our company. Forcom meets these requirements.


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